Wildlife in Perinton

Welcome to our comprehensive resource for common wildlife issues encountered in our town and how to effectively manage them. As our communities continue to develop, wildlife adjusts to living in and around our neighborhoods. It’s our responsibility to adapt to coexisting with them harmoniously. We encourage you to utilize the information provided here as a valuable resource for understanding and supporting the wildlife in Perinton.

Perinton Animal Control is dedicated to assisting residents with solutions to deter wildlife issues. While we are here to offer guidance, please note that Animal Control is not responsible for trapping or removing nuisance animals from private properties.

While trapping wildlife may seem like a solution, it should be considered as a last resort. Fortunately, there exist numerous exclusion and abatement methods that effectively deter wildlife from residing in or around our homes. We strongly advocate for trying these exclusion methods first. However, if trapping becomes necessary, we recommend contacting a licensed wildlife trapper. For your convenience, here is a listing of NYS Licensed Nuisance Wildlife Control Operators. If you opt to trap the animal yourself, the Town provides a limited number of traps for borrowing. However, please be aware that any traps you set are your own responsibility, and any trapped animal, including skunks, must be handled legally. Transporting wild animals without a license is illegal; for more details, see NYS Law Section 11-0511.

Our town boasts a diverse array of wildlife species, including deer, rabbits, raccoons, skunks, foxes, bats, wild turkeys, coyotes, woodchucks, and more. Human activities often inadvertently facilitate their coexistence by providing readily available food sources through landscape plantings, bird feeders, unlidded trash containers, compost piles, or pet food. It’s crucial to recognize our role in this dynamic and adapt our behaviors to foster harmonious cohabitation.

To avoid unwanted encounters, and issues with Wildlife, keep the following in mind:

  • Don’t feed them
  • Keep all trash and food compost contained and covered
  • Don’t feed your pets outdoors
  • Secure your pets
  • Use bird feeders that minimize birdseed spillage
  • Close off areas under porches and sheds
  • Do not try to approach or pet them

If you notice strange or threatening behavior, or a sick or injured animal, please contact our Animal Control Officer.  They will assess the situation, and determine the proper steps to resolve the problem.  The Animal Control Officer can be reached at 223-5115, Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM. For evenings, weekends, and holidays, please call 425-7380.

For more information on living with wildlife, visit NYSDEC.

Contact Information

Email: Animal Control

Steve Pringle

Animal Control Officer

(585) 223-5115