
The Town of Perinton is proud of its continuous effort and progress to improve pedestrian and bicycle access throughout Town.  On any given day, you can see residents using this safe and convenient transportation alternative to access parks, open space areas, residential neighborhoods and commercial centers of the Town.

The Town of Perinton is responsible for the maintenance, replacement, and/or repair of all sidewalks throughout Town that are along public roads, within park areas or on Town-owned lands. The Town of Perinton supports the development of new and the replacement of aging sidewalk where needed.  Sidewalk priorities are based upon proximity to schools, parks, community facilities, commercial centers and along main (high-traffic) roads. The Town of Perinton also has a Sidewalk Ordinance that outlines the requirements for the installation of new sidewalk as development occurs throughout Town.

Perinton currently has more than 54 miles of concrete and asphalt sidewalks within its borders. Each year the Town reviews the need for additional sidewalks and develops a plan for the coming construction season. All new sidewalks are constructed of concrete with a minimum width of five feet. Wider sections are required next to the curbed roadways.

In 2012, the Town completed a Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan. The purpose of this plan is to provide guidance to decision makers within the Town and its partners in the region to help improve the existing network of pedestrian and bicyclist connections and accommodations. The intent is to develop a master plan for a safe, accessible, and comprehensive town-wide network of pedestrian and bicycle facilities.

During the winter months, sidewalk plows are dispatched to clear snow from sidewalks when about two or more inches of snow accumulate. The Town does not apply salt to snow covered sidewalks.

Contact Inforamtion

Email: Sewer Department

Perry L. Stolt

Deputy Commissioner of Public Works – Sewers

Business Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30am to 4:00pm
Phone: (585) 223-5115 Fax: (585) 223-0448
After Hours Contact: (585) 425-7380