Sanitary Sewer System

Sanitary Sewer District

Under the direction of the Town Board, the Perinton Consolidated Sewer District (P.C.S.D.) operates approximately 184 miles of public sanitary sewer mains, 3,500 sanitary manholes, and 29 pump stations, which serve approximately 18,000 residential and commercial properties throughout Town. Perinton’s sanitary system collects and conveys sanitary sewage to a series of “interceptor sewers” owned by Monroe County.  These interceptor sewers ultimately discharge to the Frank E. VanLare Wastewater Treatment Plant on the south shore of Lake Ontario in the Town of Irondequoit, where the sanitary effluent is treated.

In addition, the Perinton Sewer Department actively reviews the design and inspects the construction of new utilities as well as assists in the planning of future capital needs of the Town’s sanitary sewer system. Crews are also available 24 / 7 for emergency service and repair of the Town’s sanitary sewer system and are available through DigSafelyNY to assist in the location of town-owned underground utilities.

Any plumbing contractor, person, or business conducting sewer installation, alteration, or repair work in the Town of Perinton must first obtain a Sewer Permit from the Building & Code Department, (585)223-0770 or email: Those not connected to Perinton’s sanitary sewer system utilize privately owned septic systems that are under the jurisdiction of the Monroe County Health Department

Please use the contact information below for additional details regarding sewer availability, permit need, construction/installation standards, inspections or other related issues OR check out our Frequently Asked Questions below for answers to those more commonly asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

The term FOG refers to fats, oils, and grease which come from meat fats in food scraps, cooking oil, shortening, lard, butter and margarine, gravy, and other “fatty” food products. Pouring FOG down drains accumulates inside sewer pipes. As the FOG builds up, it restricts the flow in the pipe and can cause untreated wastewater to back up into homes and businesses, resulting in high costs for cleanup and restoration. Click here to learn more.

No, “flushable wipes” MIGHT pass through the pipes but they do not dissolve. They can cause backups and blockages in the sanitary sewer system, potentially causing sewage back up in your home, which could result in costly repairs.

If during normal business/working hours, contact the Sewer Department.
Weekdays: Monday – Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. – Call (585) 223-5115

If its after hours, during the weekend or a Holiday, contact our After Hours Answering Service – Call (585) 425-7380

Contact the Monroe County Health Department – Call (585) 753-5060

Contact the Sewer Department at (585) 223-5115. Each request for service is site specific, and will require in-depth research regarding availability (location, depth or nearest sewer), extension need, and connection standards.

Permits for sanitary sewer connections are processed at the Building & Code Department located at the Perinton Town Hall.

Sanitary Sewer Permit Requirements

The Perinton Sewer Department maintains a limited database of sewer service lateral location on individual private properties. Contact the Sewer Department at (585) 223-5115 for more information.

Sewage has a natural tendency to produce odors. The plumbing system in your home is designed to prevent these odors from occurring in your home. If you are experiencing sewer odors indoors, its is likely a problem with the venting or the vapor trap associated with your home’s plumbing system.

Most problems with sluggish drains are caused by problems with the home’s inside plumbing. Unless there is a reason to suspect otherwise, we recommend that you contact a plumber to restore sluggish or blocked drains. Occasionally, a plumber will suggest that the blockage is located in the Town maintained portion of the sewer service lateral. In those cases, contact the Sewer Department at (585) 223-5115 and we will investigate.

NO; ground water must discharge to the storm sewer system.

Sanitary sewers collect and carry wastewater from toilets, showers, bathtubs, sinks, laundry machines, etc. from inside your home to a wastewater treatment plant where it gets treated/processed before being discharged into Lake Ontario. Storm sewers, on the other hand, collect and carry stormwater from roadways, parking lots, driveways, sump pumps, and lawn areas to local ponds, streams or wetland with no physical treatment.

YES; the Town works in conjunction with Dig Safely New York. They can be reached at (800) 962-7962.

Contact Information

Email: Sewer Department

Perry L. Stolt

Deputy Commissioner of Public Works – Sewers

Business Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30am to 4:00pm
Phone: (585) 223-5115 Fax: (585) 223-0448
After Hours Contact: (585) 425-738