Historic Architecture Commission Meeting
Town Hall Conference RoomThe public is welcome to attend Town of Perinton board meetings in person. Please see the agenda for more information.
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The public is welcome to attend Town of Perinton board meetings in person. Please see the agenda for more information.
The public is welcome to attend Town of Perinton board meetings in person. Please see the agenda for more information. If you can’t attend in person, you can attend via Zoom. The links and meeting ID numbers can be found on the meeting Agenda, which is posted on perinton.org. Learn how to join a meeting virtually.
The public is welcome to attend Town of Perinton board meetings in person. Conservation Board Meetings are in the Town Hall Conference room – 1350 Turk Hill Road. The parking lot entrance has a sign that states Town Court and Town meetings. Please enter the building by using the middle set of double doors, which […]
The public is welcome to attend Town of Perinton board meetings in person. Please see the agenda for more information. If you can’t attend in person, you can attend via Zoom. The links and meeting ID numbers can be found on the meeting Agenda, which is posted on perinton.org. Learn how to join a meeting virtually.
The public is welcome to attend Town of Perinton board meetings in person. Please see the agenda for more information.
The public is welcome to attend Town of Perinton board meetings in person. Please see the agenda for more information. If you can’t attend in person, you can attend via Zoom. The links and meeting ID numbers can be found on the meeting Agenda, which is posted on perinton.org. Learn how to join a meeting virtually.
The public is welcome to attend Town of Perinton board meetings in person. Please see the agenda for more information. If you can’t attend in person, you can attend via Zoom. The links and meeting ID numbers can be found on the meeting Agenda, which is posted on perinton.org. Learn how to join a meeting virtually.
Meetings are open to the public and held in the Perinton Community Center. Please check the agenda for the meeting room information.
The public is welcome to attend Town of Perinton board meetings in person. Conservation Board Meetings are in the Town Hall Conference room – 1350 Turk Hill Road. The parking lot entrance has a sign that states Town Court and Town meetings. Please enter the building by using the middle set of double doors, which […]
The public is welcome to attend Town of Perinton board meetings in person. Please see the agenda for more information.
The public is welcome to attend Town of Perinton board meetings in person. Please see the agenda for more information. If you can’t attend in person, you can attend via Zoom. The links and meeting ID numbers can be found on the meeting Agenda, which is posted on perinton.org. Learn how to join a meeting virtually.
The public is welcome to attend Town of Perinton board meetings in person. Conservation Board Meetings are in the Town Hall Conference room – 1350 Turk Hill Road. The parking lot entrance has a sign that states Town Court and Town meetings. Please enter the building by using the middle set of double doors, which […]