

Volunteer Board Training Zoning Presentation

2023 Perinton Recreation & Parks Annual Report

The Recreation & Parks Annual report highlights the achievements, ongoing projects, and future aspirations of Perinton Recreation & Parks. Click here to download the report.

Parks, Open Space and Trails Master Plan Update

The Parks, Open Space and Trails Plan is intended to guide future improvements to realize the Towns Recreation and Parks vision. Click the following link to download the “Parks, Open Space and Trails Master Plan Update”. For more information on the Parks and Open Space Plan, please visit:

2021 Comprehensive Plan Update

The 2021 Comprehensive Plan Update is intended to guide the implementation of policies and strategies to realize the community’s future vision. Click the following link to download the “2021 Comprehensive Plan”. For more information on the Comprehensive Plan process, please visit:


Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan

Click the following link to download the “Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan”. To download directly to your device, right-click the link and select “Save target as” or “Save link as,” which will open a menu window where you can select a particular device location to save the document. Please note this file download is a 100 megabytes .pdf file and will take a few minutes to complete.


Perinton Comprehensive Plan

Click the following link to download the “2011 Comprehensive Plan”. Please note this file download is a 13 megabytes .pdf file and will take a few minutes to complete. To read the Comprehensive Plan go to:


Agriculture and Farmland Protection Download

Click the following link to download the Agriculture and Farmland Protection Plan. Please note this file download is a 18 megabytes .pdf file and will take a few minutes to complete.


2003 Hamlet of Egypt Subarea Plan & Guidelines

Click the following link to download. Please note this file download is a 6.3 megabytes .pdf file and will take a few minutes to complete.


2000 Hamlet of Egypt Subarea Report & Recommendations

Click the following link to download. Please note this file download is a 4.6 megabytes .pdf file and will take a few minutes to complete.