Information about the garden will be delivered by email.

A weekly garden update will be sent by email during the main growing season.

If you are not receiving emails weekly from May to October, please contact the community garden coordinator at gardencoord@perinton.org.

Looking for additional information, please visit the community garden resources page.

You will receive a bed map with your bed assignment. A map is also located in the tool shed on the community board and on the community garden webpage.

Garden rows are numbered 1-15 with letters A-G. Letter A’s start at the center of the garden (near the pollinator gardens).

Garden Map

New members are likely to find a silage tarp covering their bed(s). Please remove, fold nicely and store in the tool shed. Members will have access to the silage tarps throughout the season,  which can be used between plantings. These tarps can create a bed that is ready to be planted in as little as three weeks. The black tarp creates a warm, moist environment which quickly kills established weeds and encourages rapid weed seed germination. The newly emerged seeds then face a dark suffocating environment in which they die quickly. Worms and other beneficial organism soon appear to decompose any organic matter and loosen the soil. Looking for additional information, please visit the community garden resources page.

The main growing season is from May 1st to October 15th, where members are required to uphold the community garden member agreement.

Members are welcome to participate in the preseason and winter season if registered.

A limited number of tools including shovels, rakes and hand tools are accessible to all garden members in the tool shed.

Water is accessible for member use during the main growing season.

The Town of Perinton provides a limited amount of organic compost for garden members to use.

There is a trailer located the northeast corner of the garden for organic waste. This location is specified on the garden map as well.

Garden Map

A donation station is set up in the tool shed. Please weigh and record your donation, tag them and leave on table or in fridge (whichever is more appropriate).

Unfortunately, critters are an issue at the garden. We strongly advise our members to use fabric and hoops or dark color netting to fence off critters that wander through the garden seeking a snack.

Please visit our garden resources page to view supplies some of our garden members have been successful with.

Garden members are notified about volunteer opportunities through email, keep your eyes peeled.

Not a garden member? Contact the community garden coordinator to learn about volunteer opportunities at gardencoord@perinton.org.

A first aid kit in located in the tool shed. Please notify the community garden coordinator if you are injured at gardencoord@perinton.org.

Core members vouch to volunteer 15 hours or more annually to support the mission of the garden, help at special events, attend core meetings, contribute to the goals of the garden, support other garden members and assist the community garden coordinator with necessary tasks.

To become a core member, please contact the community garden coordinator. gardencoord@perinton.org