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Beechwoods Trail

Beechwoods is located off High Street Extension in the northeast quadrant of Perinton and consists of 22.8 acres. Beechwoods is one of the smallest and oldest open space properties in Perinton. It provides easy access to nature trails through lowland forest and stream habitat. Amenities are limited to trails and two small parking areas appropriate to the small size of the preserve.

Please remember when you are hiking the trails that many trails pass through private property. Please be respectful and stay on the trail path, don’t ride bikes and keep your pets on a lease and pick up after them. The trails are maintained for everyone to enjoy. Please be respectful of your neighbors and fellow hikers.

 Amenities include:

  • Crossing Country Course (Skiing)
  • Hiking/Trails
  • Nature Area

Crescent Trail East Section map

Crescent Trail South Section map